CANCER OF THE HYPOPHARYNX 237 metastatic gland. One helpful guide is that metastatic glands do not move on swallowing. Radiology. This is a mandatory investigation in all patients complaining of any throat symptoms. The plain radiograph is of limited value but an en- largement of the soft-tissue shadow posterior to the trachea is suggestive of a postcricoid tumour. As a general rule if the soft-tissue shadow is wider than the body of a vertebra then it is abnormal. Tumours of the pyriform fossa may also destroy areas of the thyroid cartilage. The key investigation is the barium swallow which should demonstrate 95 per cent of all hypopharyngeal tumours. The greatest use of this investiga- tion is in delineating the lower end of a cervical oesophageal lesion through which an oesophagoscope cannot be passed. A chest radiograph will occasionally show multiple opacities which may be secondary deposits or patches of consolidation due to aspiration of food. Endoscopy. This will be done in every patient with an abnormal barium radiograph and also in those who have experienced food sticking or a feeling of a 'crumb* in the throat. The short oesophagoscope, the laryngoscope and the female small-diameter oesophagoscope are the most commonly used instruments. Not only must a biopsy be done but an accurate assessment of the extent of the tumour must be made because this will influence treatment. TREATMENT POLICY. At the outset it should be said that the 5-year survival for any of these tumours is poor. Many of the patients present late with advanced tumours, and because of age, tumour dissemination and general condition about 1 in 3 are not treated by any modality. There is no such thing as 'palliative* radiotherapy in these tumours; they seldom have pain and radiotherapy will cause painful mucositis. Of those untreated, death will be by aspiration pneumonia in most instances. If the growth has been considered too advanced for successful treatment the general practitioner should be so informed, and he should not seek to prolong life by antibiotic therapy for intercurrent infections. In nearly all cases it will be necessary to remove the larynx as well as the pharynx if surgery is chosen as the primary modality. On the other hand, radiotherapy does not show encouraging results, the best being about a 20 per cent 5-year survival. Another fact that must be borne in mind is the high incidence of lymphatic metastases. Pyriform Fossa. If the tumour is small and does not involve the postcricoid region a total laryngectomy and partial pharyngectomy can be done, closing the remaining pharynx primarily. If a gland is palpable, and even if none is palpable, a radical neck dissection should be done. If the tumour involves the postcricoid region or cervical oesophagus a total laryngopharyngectomy with radical neck dissection will be required. The pharynx is rebuilt by using deltopectoral skin flaps. Postcricoid. In this site the cervical oesophagus will be involved and because clearance will require to be at least a hand's breadth, due to 'skip* lesions, repair with skin flaps is impractical. Because fresh tissue will be brought in for the repair and as lymph node metastases are less common, radiotherapy is the best initial treatment. If it is successful, the patient will keep his larynx. If it fails, a total laryngopharyngo-oesophagectomy will need to be done using either stomach or colon to replace the pharyngo-oesophagus. It is the author's